Take a Break

It’s been a full month since all of us at Channel Marketing Journal started working remotely. By now, most of us have worked through the logistical challenges of vying for office space with other family members and dealing with internet issues. 

But the problem many remote workers still seem to grapple with is keeping track of time. It’s easy to lose your sense of time when the lines between the personal and professional, blur. With no co-workers to join for a lunchtime walk or chat around the Keurig, it’s easy to skip breaks all together.  

Not a good idea when you consider the findings of a survey showing employees feel more engaged and productive when they take a daily lunch break. Online career research resource, The Muse, recommends daily walking breaks to boost concentration, creativity and even mood. 

There are enough stresses connected to living and working during a pandemic. No need to compound them. Taking time off to reboot and refresh is more important than ever.

Speaking of time off, the other point of this article is to let you know that Channel Marketing Journal is on ‘Spring Break’ this week. 

So enjoy the break from our regular channel-focused content to think about the activities and diversions that help you recharge over the course of a long workday. You’ll find some ideas in this article. Also check out this Forbes article for tips for working remotely during coronovarius.